Saturday, March 23, 2019

The unknown

The unknown has many interpretations such as the future,death, and the darkness.

The unknown has the interpretation of the future. It has this interpretation because no one knows their future. The slaves didnt know that in the future they were going to be freed. They only relied on their one knows their future life in the adult world.they may have planned to retire at 33,but it didn't go as planned and retired at 70.everyone fears the unknown of their future adult life.they also fear the unknown of being safe.they go out and buy guns and security systems.But that doesn't stop someone from shooting them or breaking into their house.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Mealtime is important because it gives a person n opportunity to spend time with their  family. When a person spends time qith their family, they could yalk about yheir problems.their family may never know what they are going through.they could talk over dinner and have therapy to relieve their stress.when a person spends time with family it could create more creates more memories because they'll never know when they are able to see them again.something could happen in a split second and causes the tradition to be broken.spending mealtime with family could be the beat way to get closer to family and create loving memories.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Chapter 10 reflection

Emma is trying to doubt grant into going to see jefferson.grants doesnt want to go but he wants to do it for the health of miss emma and to make jefferson a man. His aunt is also forcing him to do it.

Chapter 9 reflection

This chapter jefferson doesn't want to talk or eat.he said it doesn't matter just as grant was saying he was going to die more curious of how he is going to change him into a man.

Chapter 8 reflection

This chapter is about grant meeting his old teacher and how antoine wants grant to break the cycle. He wants grants to get away from there because he wanted to be a teacher but got stuck.he didn't want to work in the feilds.

Chapter 7 reflection

This chapter is sadening because of the way the doctor treated the kids like animals.he should have also tried to help make the effort to supply the black schools with supplies just as the white schools.

Chapter 6 reflection

This chapter is interesting because mr. Pichot has talked to the sheriff and he is able to see curious about if grant is able to make jefferson a man before he dies.

Chapter 5 reflection

This chapter has me feeling emotional because grant is trying to yeach the children how to not be in the situation jefferson is in.i also think he should apologize to jeffersons cousin for the way he talk to her

Chapter 4 reflection

This chapter had me thinking of what could be going through jeffersons also has me thinking of how grant is going to teach jefferson to walk and act like a man before he died.