Thursday, October 31, 2019

Class review

Today we read and analyzed the poem.        "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath. Its kinda deep because she was angry at her dad for dieing. Her dad refused treatment and died dfrom diabetes.she feels as if his death is killing her. She then gets married and was through with grieving. But, she found out about the affair and has now killed two men figuratively.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

What do i see when i look in the mirror? I see a young dedicated man that's going to be something in life. I see two sides of my life story. I see all my flaws and imperfections. Everyday i look in the mirror i see a different person. That person is still me but not physically. That mirror reflects every aspect of my life from my childhood to the present.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Class review

Today we finished writing about a character ideal view of the world from the play Fences. Then we had to go to each group and analyze their paragraph. We also had to give pointers and comments about how they could improve it, and give a score 1-10. Then we had to rewrite the paragraph using the comments to help us improve it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Class reflection

Today we got into 5 different groups. We had to choose a character and  write a thesis and body paragraph on their ideal views of the world. It was kind of hard to do because we had to do a umbrella thesis. My group change the thesis multiple times and caused me to get confused on what we was writing about.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Class reflection

Today we finished reading the play Fences. Troy and cory had got into an argument that ended in when troy told cory not to come back and get out of his yard. Troy later regreted it and guilt had killed him.cory finally comes back home from the military and raynell is 7 years old. Cory didn't want to go to his fathers funeral but rose got him to see the good side of the situation and he went.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Class reflection

Today we started back reading the book Fences. While reading we found out that troy has been having an affair with Alberta. As a result of the affair he's gonna be the father of that child. He told his wife about the affair and they had a big argument about it. Troy doesn't want to give up the relationship with alberta because he feels better there and feels like a man

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we were analyzing furtive essays. While analyzing those essays we learned what to do and what not to do when writing an essay. Some of the essays we've read didn't make sense to me or didn't corralate to the prompt.there was one essay that was only one paragraph. It wasn't really an essay it was more like an summary of the play "The tragedy of Macbeth".

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Class review

Today we took a group test on the short story the yellow wallpaper.we didn't do well but i think it's because my group didn't want to listen to the answers i was giving them.they thought they were wrong. At the end of class we went over the answers and most of the answers i was guving were the correct answer.