Friday, November 22, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we had to compose an essay about the author's use of tone, and how it dictates point of view, characterization, and diction from the novel The Color Purple. I found that task quite hard because so many things/answers was going through my head and i kept doubting myself. I feel like i made a decent grade but i still don't feel comfortable with what i wrote.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Color purplr letter

Today we had to write a letter based on the color purple.
Dear God
I is tied. I been controlled for tolong.i need to stand up fo miself,but i scared.i go to sleep thinkin bout ma everynight. Bout how she die.sometimes i wonder if she lived like i live or is im reliving her life.maybe its her fault pa raped me. Maybe her fault my life like this.sometime i dont know what to do fo myself.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we review our claims and part of the paragraph we wrote. We analyzed and corrected our grammactical errors. Then we started reading the color purple again. We read that celie and shug was startong to create a friendship. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Class review

Today we went over some statements we made in our Fences essay. The statements on the true or false answer sheet were all false. Then we started reading The color purple again. We read that the pastor was talking about shug avery in church and later find out she is sick and Mr. Brings her home.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Class review

Toaday we read letters 13-21 of the color purple. Celie has married MR. To protect nettie but her plan has backfired. Nettie eventually runs away and stayed with celie. Then mr. Said she had to go because she wasn't taking part in his compliments. Harpo falls inlove with sophia and purposely impregnates her so he could have her hand in marriage. Later on harpo wants sophia to listen to him and celia and pa gives him the advice of hitting her. That advice has backfired on him and now his face is swole.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Class review

Today we started reading The color purple. So far It's interesting. I found out things that i didn't see in the movie.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Class reveiw

  • Today we did an assessment at the end of all the poems in our literary books. I found it somewhat hard because i didn't remember what a paradox is but a classmate has reminded me. I couldn't figure out the answer for the 3rd part of question 8 because i didn't understand it and the bell for the next class rung.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we went over the poem The moon and the yew tree. I finally got a better understanding of the poem but i still have trouble analyzing poems. The speaker doesn't have any religous beleifs and thinks that the moon is her mother.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we were put inti groups of 4. We had to analyze the The moon and the yew tree and teach the class about the meaning of a stanza. We had stanza 1. The whole poem was interesting but hard to understand but we came around. Our stanza was about her being in a dark place and not being able to come out of it.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Class review

Today we wrote an essay about the play Fences. We had to choose a character from a play and compare their past to their future relationship. I found it quite difficult because i couldn't remember anything from the play. I think i might have made some things up or was way off topic.