Friday, February 21, 2020

Class reveiw

Today we the took a quiz. I didn’t do as well as I wanted. A while back mr. rease has taught us the process of elimination. I don’t think it works for me because I eliminate the completely incorrect answers, but somehow I don’t choose the right answer. Study shows that technology has some glitches and mr. rease uses zip grader, so that might be the problem of my grade being what it is.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Chapter 12

After nearly a year of longing for Soraya, Amir finally gets the nerve to speak to her. For weeks he talks to Soraya only when General Taheri is away, until one day he is giving her one of his stories when General Taheri arrives. General Taheri throws the story out, and walking Amir away he tells Amir to remember that he is among other Afghans. Amir is disheartened, but he soon becomes focused on Baba, who is ill. Baba is diagnosed with lung cancer but refuses to receive treatment. At Baba’s bedside, Amir asks if he will go to General Taheri to ask Soraya’s hand in marriage for Amir. Baba goes happily the next day. General Taheri accepts. Soraya is happy, but she says she must tell Amir about her past because she doesn’t want any secrets. When she was eighteen, she ran away with an Afghan man. They lived together for nearly a month before General Taheri found her and took her home. While she was gone, Jamila had a stroke. Amir admits it bothers him a little, but he still wants to marry her. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Chpt. 10-11

It is March 1981. Amir and Baba are in the back of a truck with several other Afghans on the way to Pakistan. Because they can’t trust anyone, they left home in the middle of the night. The rafiqs, or comrades as Amir calls them, have divided society. When they arrive in Jalalabad, where they are to switch trucks, Karim tells them the truck they need broke last week. Baba becomes enraged and attacks Karim for not telling them earlier. Four men caught Kamal out, and when he came back to his father he was bleeding “down there”. They arrive in Pakistan, but once they’re out of the truck Kamal’s father begins screaming. Kamal has stopped breathing. Kamal’s father attacks Karim, wrestling Karim’s gun away. Before anyone can act, Kamal’s father puts the gun in his own mouth and shoots. The story jumps forward in time. Baba and Amir are in Fremont, California, where they have lived for nearly two years. Baba, who works at a gas station now, has had difficulty adjusting to life in the U.S. 

Kite runner chpt. 9

In this chapter Amir has the same image playing over and over in his head. It was the image of Hassan serving Assef and wali drinks off a silver platter. Amir has taken some of his money and his new watch and hid it under Hassan’s mattress. He later blamed Hassan of stealing his money and watch, and Hassan has agreed to it. He now feels guilty and wants to tell everything. Ali and Hassan are leaving. Amir believes that Hassan had already told Ali everything and realized the pain and darkness he caused. Amir has witnessed baba crying and pleading for Ali to stay.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Kite runner chpt . 8

In this chapter I found that ever since the rape happened, Hassan hasn’t been the same. He’s been sleeping a lot. On their way to Jalalabad Amir vomited. While he sat on the rock glazing into the sun with his eyes closed he saw a vision of Hassan corduroy pants. A week later Hassan was tryna rekindle their relationship but Amir keeps pushing him away. Amir tried to preoccupy himself with school work but his mind always wonder off to the alley and sees Hassan’s corduroy pants. Amir started throwing pomegranate at Hassan hoping he would hit him back and that it would make think go back to normal. Later in the chapter Amir has a birthday party. He then sees something he will never forget. He sees Hassan serving Assef and his crew drinks on a silver platter.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Kite runner chpt 4-5

In chapter 4 Amir talks about their summer. They would sit on the wall of Ailing corn and fire pebbles at the rear of camels. He also talked about their favorite movies which is Rio bravo and the magnificent seven. Hassan loves when Amir reads him stories. Hassan is alliterate and Amir secretly teases him about it. Amir then writes his own short story.  He feels good because his friend rah said “ Bravo” in his note and that he had irony in his story on his first try. In chapter 5 Their was a Raid of the kingdom. The king was on at trip to Italy and died from the shootings and bombings. Amir and Hassan has also encountered Assef. Assef was about to hit amir with his brass knuckles until Hassan stood up to him with his slingshot. Hassan had gotten a birthday present that would last a lifetime. He got plastic surgery for his cleft lip. He was smiling looking in the mirror. The next winter he had stopped smiling.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Kite runner chapter 2-3

The book started off  boring but it’s coming around. In chapter 2 I found out Amir’s mom died while giving birth. Hassan’s mom didn’t want to him after birth because of his hideous birth defects. Hassan has a cleft lip and twisted leg. Then 5 days later she left. In chapter 3 Bābā decided to build an orphanage. People doubted him him and said that he could not build it or run a business. But he he proved them wrong by becoming one of the richest merchants in Kabul. Later in the chapter we found out that Bābā was angry that Amir was nothing like him. He wants him to play or watch soccer, but Amir always has his head in a book. He also lets the neighborhood kids bully and Hassan has to come and help him.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Class review

    Today we finished our poem recitation project. They did pretty good. Some brought their poems to life more than others. Overall we had fun doing this project.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Poem recitation

Today I had to recite the poem “ Touched by an Angel “. I was ready and memorized my poem like the back of my hand. But when I got up to recite it, I got nervous and almost forgot my poem. I had plans to bring it to life but I forgot some words in the poem.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Class review

Today we read the poems “ son to mother” and “ mother to son”.son to mother was about a son asking his mom for advice. He wants to confront the rumors of how she has taken his manhood. The first 2 stanzas are about how he is a nonviolent person and how he minds his business. Mother to son is about a mother comforting her son. She goes on to say that life was no crystal stairwell for her. She tells him not to turn back and to keep going no matter how hard life gets. She also talks about how she’s still evolving and he should do the same. The quote of the day is I’ll go anywhere but backwards.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Class review

Today in class we went over our writing skills. We went over the rubric for AP exam essay and how they are scored. We had to write our second body paragraph about the prompt we were given. Then we scored each other’s papers. I scored a 3. I know I could’ve done better but I’m still working n my craft. We were also given sample essay which consisted of a graded 9 essay,6 essay and a 3 essay.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Class review

Today in class we discussed the forbidden word. Before we got into the discussion we were asked what word offended us. The word that offends me isn’t fit to publish on my blog but you get the point. As we got into the discussion we watched a video about the N word and most people thought it was more offensive than any other derogatory term. I found that quite interesting because I thought all derogatory words held the same weight/power.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Class reveiw

Today we read the poem “The myth of music for my father.” It was about a young lady who speaks about how music makes her feel and how it brings back those memories she had with her father. We were asked how music makes us feel. My answer was that it made me feel relaxed and stress free. We were also asked if we like listening to the music our parents listen to. My answer was yes, because it was music I grew up around and it’s more understandable than today’s music. A them from today’s lesson was music brings back the very things that are easily forgotten. A song that brings back memories of me and my mom was Keshia cole - trust, because she would always play it whether she was in a good or bad mood.