Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Class review

Today we got in our groups to finish the themes and claims for each topic. Mr. Rease also talked to some students about their essay and where they went wrong.he also talked about how they could fix their mistake and better ways to write.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Class review

Today we were in groups. We had to make a theme, claim, have textual evidence for each topic. There were a total of 5 groups and topics.we had to go to each group topic and make themes and claims. It was kinda hard not writing a theme thats the same or similar to the other groups theme.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Class review

Today we read some more of the color purple. We found out celie has moved in with shug. Celie has started sewing pants and it has become a small business. Then we took a multiple choice test/quiz. Most of the class didn't do well.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we finished our group assignments of teaching the class about the chapter we were assigned. Then we started reading some more of the color purple. We read that nettie had felt as if she had seen black for the first time because of how black the senagalese people were. They called them blue/black.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Class review

Today we went over multiple choice test taking skills. We also wrote a poem on anything we wanted to write about. I chose to write about the soul.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Class review

Today we read the color purple. We read that Sophia gotten into trouble because the mayor's wife asked her to be her maid, and sophia knocked the mayor down. Then she became imprisoned for 12 years. Her tried to create a plan to get her out but it didn't work. Later she became mrs. Millies maid. Mrs. Millie let her go home to visit her family, but she didn't stay long because mrs. Millie couldn't get the car in reverse, so sophia had to drive her home.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we had to compose an essay about the author's use of tone, and how it dictates point of view, characterization, and diction from the novel The Color Purple. I found that task quite hard because so many things/answers was going through my head and i kept doubting myself. I feel like i made a decent grade but i still don't feel comfortable with what i wrote.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Color purplr letter

Today we had to write a letter based on the color purple.
Dear God
I is tied. I been controlled for tolong.i need to stand up fo miself,but i scared.i go to sleep thinkin bout ma everynight. Bout how she die.sometimes i wonder if she lived like i live or is im reliving her life.maybe its her fault pa raped me. Maybe her fault my life like this.sometime i dont know what to do fo myself.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we review our claims and part of the paragraph we wrote. We analyzed and corrected our grammactical errors. Then we started reading the color purple again. We read that celie and shug was startong to create a friendship. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Class review

Today we went over some statements we made in our Fences essay. The statements on the true or false answer sheet were all false. Then we started reading The color purple again. We read that the pastor was talking about shug avery in church and later find out she is sick and Mr. Brings her home.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Class review

Toaday we read letters 13-21 of the color purple. Celie has married MR. To protect nettie but her plan has backfired. Nettie eventually runs away and stayed with celie. Then mr. Said she had to go because she wasn't taking part in his compliments. Harpo falls inlove with sophia and purposely impregnates her so he could have her hand in marriage. Later on harpo wants sophia to listen to him and celia and pa gives him the advice of hitting her. That advice has backfired on him and now his face is swole.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Class review

Today we started reading The color purple. So far It's interesting. I found out things that i didn't see in the movie.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Class reveiw

  • Today we did an assessment at the end of all the poems in our literary books. I found it somewhat hard because i didn't remember what a paradox is but a classmate has reminded me. I couldn't figure out the answer for the 3rd part of question 8 because i didn't understand it and the bell for the next class rung.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we went over the poem The moon and the yew tree. I finally got a better understanding of the poem but i still have trouble analyzing poems. The speaker doesn't have any religous beleifs and thinks that the moon is her mother.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we were put inti groups of 4. We had to analyze the The moon and the yew tree and teach the class about the meaning of a stanza. We had stanza 1. The whole poem was interesting but hard to understand but we came around. Our stanza was about her being in a dark place and not being able to come out of it.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Class review

Today we wrote an essay about the play Fences. We had to choose a character from a play and compare their past to their future relationship. I found it quite difficult because i couldn't remember anything from the play. I think i might have made some things up or was way off topic.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Class review

Today we read and analyzed the poem.        "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath. Its kinda deep because she was angry at her dad for dieing. Her dad refused treatment and died dfrom diabetes.she feels as if his death is killing her. She then gets married and was through with grieving. But, she found out about the affair and has now killed two men figuratively.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

What do i see when i look in the mirror? I see a young dedicated man that's going to be something in life. I see two sides of my life story. I see all my flaws and imperfections. Everyday i look in the mirror i see a different person. That person is still me but not physically. That mirror reflects every aspect of my life from my childhood to the present.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Class review

Today we finished writing about a character ideal view of the world from the play Fences. Then we had to go to each group and analyze their paragraph. We also had to give pointers and comments about how they could improve it, and give a score 1-10. Then we had to rewrite the paragraph using the comments to help us improve it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Class reflection

Today we got into 5 different groups. We had to choose a character and  write a thesis and body paragraph on their ideal views of the world. It was kind of hard to do because we had to do a umbrella thesis. My group change the thesis multiple times and caused me to get confused on what we was writing about.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Class reflection

Today we finished reading the play Fences. Troy and cory had got into an argument that ended in when troy told cory not to come back and get out of his yard. Troy later regreted it and guilt had killed him.cory finally comes back home from the military and raynell is 7 years old. Cory didn't want to go to his fathers funeral but rose got him to see the good side of the situation and he went.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Class reflection

Today we started back reading the book Fences. While reading we found out that troy has been having an affair with Alberta. As a result of the affair he's gonna be the father of that child. He told his wife about the affair and they had a big argument about it. Troy doesn't want to give up the relationship with alberta because he feels better there and feels like a man

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we were analyzing furtive essays. While analyzing those essays we learned what to do and what not to do when writing an essay. Some of the essays we've read didn't make sense to me or didn't corralate to the prompt.there was one essay that was only one paragraph. It wasn't really an essay it was more like an summary of the play "The tragedy of Macbeth".

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Class review

Today we took a group test on the short story the yellow wallpaper.we didn't do well but i think it's because my group didn't want to listen to the answers i was giving them.they thought they were wrong. At the end of class we went over the answers and most of the answers i was guving were the correct answer.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we were reading a short story called The yellow wallpaper. We were analyzing each diary entry and each entry seems as if she she is going crazy. The story is pretty interesting. She sees a figure in the wallpaper but wants to be the first to figure out what it is .

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Class reveiw

Today we learned how to do an umbrella thesis statement. It seems a bit harder than a 3 point thesis but i think I'll get through. We started our inttoduction paragraph about the play " The tragedy of Macbeth". I don't think i can write a good essay based on an umbrella thesis.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Class review

Today we finished reading the play Macbeth.the ending was interesting,it turns out that Macbeth's ambition got the best of him. He got into a fight with McDuff and lost.McDuff beheaded him and put it on a pole for everyone to see and became the new king.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Macbeth reading

Today we were reading "Macbeth" and it was an interesting read.the class had fun and some laughs. I would like to read more of this book

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Recap of today

Today we read one of shakespear poems. Then we had to write our own sonnets.while writing mt sonnet i had a hard time writing.the rhyme scheme was easy to do. But writing words with stressed and unstressed syllables was the hardest todo because i had to make it make sense.

May i ask the world what is death like here

May i ask the world what is death like here
In this world it is created by me
The answer to this question is unclear
Death is everywhere the blind can see
What is death i do not understand
I have seen more bodies than a mortition
Maybe i will when i become a man
Death is a soldier on a long mission
Death has achieved many important goals
Why does death have to be on this small earth
Death has caused stress and took many souls
I wonder who gave death his shocking birth
Why do we have to put death in the soil
 Death is just a life that went spoil

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Group presentation 08-29-19

Today we finished presenting our analyzed group did " Because i could not stop for death". We said that she was on a journey of death. She could have also been dead and in a casket  on the way to her grave. One of our themes was that you don't have to die to explore death.we also got in groups to compare our test answers from last week to get a better grade.

Group poem analyzation 08-28-19

Today we were put in groups of 4 or 5. Each group was given a poem to analyze and teach it to the class for 20 minutes. My groups poem was " because i could not stop for death". We were having trouble figuring out if the speaker was dying or exploring death. We came to the decision that she was exploring death.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The unknown

The unknown has many interpretations such as the future,death, and the darkness.

The unknown has the interpretation of the future. It has this interpretation because no one knows their future. The slaves didnt know that in the future they were going to be freed. They only relied on their one knows their future life in the adult world.they may have planned to retire at 33,but it didn't go as planned and retired at 70.everyone fears the unknown of their future adult life.they also fear the unknown of being safe.they go out and buy guns and security systems.But that doesn't stop someone from shooting them or breaking into their house.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Mealtime is important because it gives a person n opportunity to spend time with their  family. When a person spends time qith their family, they could yalk about yheir problems.their family may never know what they are going through.they could talk over dinner and have therapy to relieve their stress.when a person spends time with family it could create more creates more memories because they'll never know when they are able to see them again.something could happen in a split second and causes the tradition to be broken.spending mealtime with family could be the beat way to get closer to family and create loving memories.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Chapter 10 reflection

Emma is trying to doubt grant into going to see jefferson.grants doesnt want to go but he wants to do it for the health of miss emma and to make jefferson a man. His aunt is also forcing him to do it.

Chapter 9 reflection

This chapter jefferson doesn't want to talk or eat.he said it doesn't matter just as grant was saying he was going to die more curious of how he is going to change him into a man.

Chapter 8 reflection

This chapter is about grant meeting his old teacher and how antoine wants grant to break the cycle. He wants grants to get away from there because he wanted to be a teacher but got stuck.he didn't want to work in the feilds.

Chapter 7 reflection

This chapter is sadening because of the way the doctor treated the kids like animals.he should have also tried to help make the effort to supply the black schools with supplies just as the white schools.

Chapter 6 reflection

This chapter is interesting because mr. Pichot has talked to the sheriff and he is able to see curious about if grant is able to make jefferson a man before he dies.

Chapter 5 reflection

This chapter has me feeling emotional because grant is trying to yeach the children how to not be in the situation jefferson is in.i also think he should apologize to jeffersons cousin for the way he talk to her

Chapter 4 reflection

This chapter had me thinking of what could be going through jeffersons also has me thinking of how grant is going to teach jefferson to walk and act like a man before he died.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Mlk I Have a dream speech analysis

The "I have a dream speech" has piece of evidence is in the 2nd paragraph 2nd sentence.It is important because it emphasizes the hope negro slaves had in the flames of injustice.Another example is the 4th sentence in the 2nd paragraph.It is important because it emphasizes the life of a negro as being crippled by the manacles of segregation.

Another device is repetition.The device is in the 5th paragraph.It is important because  repeats the phrase "Now is the time" to emphasize that now is the time for change.Another example is the repeating of I Have A Dream.It is important because it emphasizes the American dream.It also emphasizes the negro dream of being free and no longer discriminated.

Another device is pathos.The device is in the 3rd paragraph in the last sentence.It is important because it appeals to the emotions of America.They have given the negros a bad check and it came back marked insufficient funds.Another example is in the 7th paragraph last sentence.It is important because it emphasizes Americas bitterness and hatred.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Throughout my life I've made many blunders.As a kid i wanted to be a zany.Well,lets just say that didn't work out to well.I was always incongruous when it comes to the routines.When it was finally showtime i started to frolick.During the show i experienced great mortification. The boss was acting very absurd.Everyone started jeering at me.He gratuitously fired me. I was so angry,but i had to respect his superiority. My life is very inconsistent.

Blunders- a stupid or careless mistake
Zany-clown or acrobat
Incongruous - not in harmony
Mortification - great embarrassment
Gratuitously- without good reason
Absurd-wildly unreasonable
Jeering-making rude remarks
Inconsistent -not the same throughout
Frolicking -move about cheerfully
Superiority -the state of being superior

The American Dream

The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, the set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, as well as an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers.I also want to be able to own alot of properties by the time i reach my thirties.My American dream is to be financially stable and have a family when I'm 30.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


This Feeling
Joseph Bates
Mr. Rease
Ben. C. Rain high school

Her dad’s attitude makes her mad
She see’s in her mother’s eyes that she’s heartbroken and sad
Her family is slowly falling apart
She doesn’t know how to express this feeling inside her heart
Even though her heart is turning cold like ice
She doesn’t want to lose her grip on life
Growing up her family couldn’t afford much
But she enjoyed living the life of old Dutch
What’s this feeling inside her heart
How do she express it before her mind falls apart

Why was she chosen to live this life
All she can do is cry at night
During the day she appears as strong as she can be
But in her mind she is wondering why can’t they see
Why can’t they see her pain
Why does she feel she’s the one to blame
She’s lost in this unfamiliar world and can’t find her way back
She feels like a needle in a haystack
What’s this feeling inside her heart
How do she express it before her body falls apart

She really doesn’t understand this feeling
She is looking forward to a miracle healing
She looks in the mirror and sees no reflection
She needs a lot of love and affection
Her family doesn’t know her name
She thinks she’ll have more attention if she had money or fame
She is looking for a new beginning
Her time on earth is slowly ending
What’s this feeling inside her heart
How do she express it before she goes to far
But its too late she has ended the game
That feeling is lack of affection and pain.