Friday, January 18, 2019


Throughout my life I've made many blunders.As a kid i wanted to be a zany.Well,lets just say that didn't work out to well.I was always incongruous when it comes to the routines.When it was finally showtime i started to frolick.During the show i experienced great mortification. The boss was acting very absurd.Everyone started jeering at me.He gratuitously fired me. I was so angry,but i had to respect his superiority. My life is very inconsistent.

Blunders- a stupid or careless mistake
Zany-clown or acrobat
Incongruous - not in harmony
Mortification - great embarrassment
Gratuitously- without good reason
Absurd-wildly unreasonable
Jeering-making rude remarks
Inconsistent -not the same throughout
Frolicking -move about cheerfully
Superiority -the state of being superior

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